Written by Carson Winter
“It is easier to imagine an end to the world than an end to capitalism.” - Fredric Jameson and Slavoj Žižek (Depending on who you ask.)
Capitalism—much like a nightmare you can’t wake from—feels inescapable most of the time. It has the reach and omnipotence of God. It’s baked into the atoms of the air we breathe—all encompassing, all consuming.
In the last couple of years, I’ve carved something of a niche for myself by writing horror that deals head-on with capitalism. I didn’t realize this myself until I zoomed out and saw the big picture. Soft Targets is about two guys struggling with the banality of work life. The Psychographist is about a family desperate for a respite from the endless grind. And now, A Spectre is Haunting Greentree (out August 15 from Tenebrous Press) is about a goddamned scarecrow revolution.
Work. Money. Scarecrows.
We know the monster—no matter its mask.
In honor of my new novel, and love for a genre that can take the machine that informs every moment of our waking lives then transubstantiate it into art, I thought it’d be fun to put together a list of five horror novels with an anti-capitalist streak.
So, settle in, pull on the balaclava, and start crafting your Molotovs—these novels tell stories that wrestle with the reality of the world we live in. Sometimes incidentally, sometimes with bared teeth. But for those of us who feel the weight of the free market sitting on our chests like a sleep paralysis demon, it offers something we rarely find in a world that has collectively drunk the Kool-Aid. Acknowledgement, recognition, a voice to say, “I’m right there with you.”
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